It's wonderful when
everything works smoothly

Parties and facilities
The Factory Hotel is the place for unforgettable celebrations, from christenings to weddings and graduations to family reunions. The hotel's facilities allow for celebrations of all sizes, and can cater to your plans.

Organise your business event efficiently. If you need a solution for an efficient meeting, a new product launch or even a larger networking event, we have the facilities and catering to suit.

Enjoying the sauna with friends
Tehtaan Hotel's sauna on the banks of the river is an excellent solution when you want to spend some relaxing time with your friends or colleagues.

Unforgettable events are organised Under the Oak Tree!
Whether your event is large or small, we have the solution for you.
Juhlat ja tilaisuudet ovat Tehtaan Hotellin erikoisalaa. Voit mitoittaa tilaisuutesi aina 120 vierasta varten, tai sitten varata pienempiä osia Hotellilta omaan käyttöösi. Tehtaan Hotellin henkilökunta kuuntelee toiveitasi herkästi ja osaa vastata vuosien kokemuksella tarpeittesi täyttämiseen.
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